10 Proven advanced SEO tactics to boost rankings in 2024

Last Updated on March 29, 2024 by Admin

Do you know 9 out of 10 searchers never scroll past the first Google results page? If your company doesn’t appear visible there, you’re missing tons of potential new business; the 81% majority won’t ever see or engage. Pretty scary right?

Well, the stakes just got higher entering 2024. Google’s advanced algorithm cares more about immediately satisfying visitors’ searches and giving helpful answers faster. No more slowly rambling to get the main point paragraphs later.

So, what new website tricks should brands start using this year? This beginner’s guide uses simple explanations to outline 10 advanced SEO strategies to maximize your website’s visibility in 2024. Ready for the inside secrets? Let’s explore!

10 New SEO Strategies in 2024

This guide reveals 10 advanced SEO techniques setting your strategy up for 2024 success:

#1. Improve Your Content’s Time to Value

In SEO, time to value is the time it takes the user to get useful information from the content. In short, the shorter the time to value, the higher the content will rank.

Write articles to the main tips, data or answers readers want. It must be within the first few paragraphs instead of making people scan far down long pages. Share key facts upfront because Internet readers skim and get impatient. They want immediate takeaways to fulfill their search question rather than taking a long time. Save extra background context building until lower sections after answering the real topic.

#2. Build Out Topic Clusters

A topic cluster is a group that contains blogs and posts for a central topic. Simply said, it is a macro topic with all micro ones!
Write about a specific topic in detail. Connect similar articles to cover the topic well. Look at the topic from different views. Answer people’s questions fully to become a trusted source people want to read repeatedly.

#3. Maximize your SERP Real Estate

Maximizing SERP real estate means occupying more space on the search results page when someone searches for topics related to your content.

Do this by the content that appears in multiple places on the SERP, for example:

  • The main list of results,
  • The featured snippet at the top,
  • The “People also ask” boxes, and
  • Video or image results.

Your increased visibility in the search results means you have more visibility, and people are likelier to click through to your website.

#4. Target Comparison keywords

Comparison keywords are terms that people search for to compare. They may contrast products, services, or other goods, such as “Product A vs. Product B” or “Service X or Service Y.”

While you can go for these keywords, create comparison pages that compare your products against competitors. Listen to the given audio and then answer the questions below. Provide helpful comparisons. Prove that your option is the best option. This creates a situation where people looking up these phrases will be directed to your site. It tells them that they have no other choice but you.

#5. Steal Featured Snippets

A feature snippet is the box that displays on top of Google results. It goes to the point and does not leave the user in a dilemma. It is called “position zero” because it precedes #1.

“Stealing,” a featured snippet, means your content will appear in that box. You break the chain and are chosen instead of the person currently holding the position.

To steal featured snippets:

Answer the search question directly; otherwise, users will not find what they seek. Consider the intent behind their search query. Use clear, short text.

  • In the heading, put the question. Finish off by writing a brief response.
  • Resort to the numbering or applying of bullets.
  • Give correct, current info. Make sure to incorporate the motive behind the search.

#6. Use original images in your content

Everyone knows that high-quality images improve content quality. Directly or indirectly, they can help boost rankings. Google prefers images that apply to the website. It may give you more opportunities to land on the top ranking.

You should use your photos as images. Have a camera or a smartphone ready at hand. If you are a visual learner, you can also work with graphics. Use Canva or Photoshop to make it look professional. If you are writing any steps, then use live screenshots.

Include these unique photos in the interior of your blog and website. Give them descriptive names. Besides, include an image description (alt text) that tells people what the image is about. The image is then learned by Google what is in the picture.

#7. Start A/B Testing

A/B testing allows you to use two options for the same content to see which performs better. You may test many things on the site using A/B testing. Examples could be headlines, images, calls to action, and buttons with different colors.

To begin with, A/B testing should be one factor selected element, and then two versions should be made. Divide your visitors into two groups, and show the first group another version. Let the other side see the second version. Track the implementation of a tool such as Google Optimize.

Is one getting more clicks or conversions? The last step is to then use this winning version for all. Because you keep testing new things to improve your website, do not stop.

#8. Create a comments section on your blog

The comment section allows people to write down their responses to the story. They can comment on your blog posts and ask questions.
Having a comments section is a good SEO practice. It prolongs the time spent on your web page, which is a sign to Google that your content is astringent and contributes to discussions.

A comments section can be added with a plugin such as Disqus or WordPress’s built-in commentary. The section should be placed at the conclusion of every blog article.

Motivate the readers to leave comments. Ask for their opinions. Replace their last words with yours to develop the topic further. However, moderate each one to filter out spam.

#9. Find Low-Competition keywords

Keywords are the terms people type in the search box on Google. High-competition keywords are too challenging to be spotted organically, and plenty of sites are trying to place for them. Low-competition keywords are easier. Digital marketing avenues are shrinking, and fewer sites are receiving them.

Since the low-competition keywords are what make you rank high, it is advisable to target them. You will have a better chance of being in the top positions.

If you want to browse through less competitive keywords, use Ubersuggest or Moz Keyword Explorer. Try to find keywords with low-difficulty competition. However, keep in mind that this must be correlated with the amount of search volume.

Pick up the keywords that you will include later in your texts. Add them to the article as you write it. However, don’t exaggerate, e.g., or it will surely be perceived as spam.

#10. Use unlinked mentions for Link Building

Unlinked mentions define a situation where your brand is mentioned on another site. But when they search for it, they won’t even find your website! These can be the names of your company, brand names of products, or key people.

Such a mention signals that your brand is indeed worth mentioning. If other sites talk about you, that is a big sign that you are an important player. While this does not directly impact SEO benefits, it misses out on them.

You could leverage unlinked mentions for link building by searching for places you’re mentioned without an added link. You can employ tools such as Google Alerts or Ahrefs Content Explorer. Set alerts for your brand’s name and related terms to take the edge of your brand.

I suggest you contact the website admin if there is no link between the two sites. Show your appreciation for the post. Then, courteously ask if they can have a hyperlink instead. Instruct your audience how this link helps them learn more.


Don’t fall behind rivals on optimizing to rank well and satisfy changing searcher behaviors entering this year. Quickly implementing advanced SEO techniques before competitors do gives your website a strong head start on driving targeted traffic as environments evolve. Partner with experienced digital marketing agency AlgoSaga, spearheading proven techniques from progressive experimentation, catapulting client visibility across Google searches. As the leading digital marketing agency, AlgoSaga helps futureproof your SEO with cutting-edge website strategies, guaranteeing top rankings through 2024 shifts and beyond! Contact us today.

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