8 Risky Black Hat SEO strategies which must be avoided

Last Updated on April 3, 2024 by Admin

In the SEO world, a black side is known as black-hat SEO. Research shows that a staggering 60% of websites are to deal with the usage of black-hat tactics. These tricky methods have the same goal: quickly bypassing the search engine and getting higher ranks. However, they are not recommended by search engines like Google and others.

Surprisingly, Google shares more than 500,000 penalties monthly with sites that are found to be using black hat SEO. This blog article will cover black hat SEO, its dangers, and eight techniques you should never use.

What is Black Hat SEO?

Black hat SEO is the term used to describe unethical practices that violate the guidelines determined by search engines. They are used to inflate ranking and boost traffic to a site artificially. These methods focus on the immediate profit rather than the user experience and will use false or spammy tactics. Rip-off SEO professionals take advantage of the algorithms’ loopholes and weak points, bypassing the fact that content quality and relevance are paramount.

Is black hat SEO important?

Black Hat SEO is a gamble. Though it might show results quickly, you’re essentially building your website on the ground that could crumble with just one manual intervention or a new spam algorithm update. If such a scenario unfolds, all the effort put into black hat SEO will be wasted.

White hat SEO is dependable and offers long-term benefits as your strategies grow and accumulate over time. By following SEO practices and prioritizing user experience, white-hat SEO is safer and more effective in the long run than black hat tactics.

The risks of Black Hat SEO

Black hat SEO carries with it high risks that can put your website’s online presence and reputation at risk. Let’s explore three key reasons why you should steer clear of these unethical practices:

  1. It Can Negatively Impact Your Search Rankings and Visibility: One of the primary risks of black hat SEO is that search engines can find out and penalize your website. Google and other search engines use advanced algorithms and manual reviews to locate websites that go against their rules. When found involved in black hat tactics, your site might be penalized, eventually declining your organic search traffic and visibility.
  2. It Won’t Drive Long-Term Results: While black hat SEO may attract some temporary success, it cannot be considered to be an effective technique that brings only short-term benefits. Search engines have a bad tendency to change their algorithms to fight against unethical practices, which defeats black hat methods in the long run. Spending money and time on unethical ways becomes a short-term plan that will make it harder for your website to hold the search rankings.
  3. It Results In A Poor User Experience: Black hat SEO normally sacrifices user experience to make website rankings. This results in poor user interaction with your website. Practices such as keyword stuffing, cloaking and low-quality content creation can annoy the users and make them leave your site. Low user engagement signals might also worsen your search rankings further because search engines prefer meaningful websites that meet the users’ search intent.

8 Black Hat Techniques in SEO to avoid

Here are the riskiest Black Hat SEO techniques that you avoid as a web developer or marketer:

  1. Keyword Stuffing: Keyword stuffing is the technique of over-repeatedly inserting target keywords into a webpage’s body text, meta descriptions, and headings in a very unnatural and spammy way. The tactic is somehow to deflate the relevance of a page on search engines by overstuffing the keywords in its content. Examples of keyword stuffing include:
    • Putting the keywords unrelated to the content and do not make sense in the context.
    • Keyword stuffing, i.e., repeatedly using the same word unnaturally on the page.
    • Use the same color text for the background as keywords so that they are invisible to the users but visible to the search engines.
  2. Cloaking: Cloaking is a misleading technique where a site pretends to show different content or URLs to human users and search engine bots. The aim is to serve pre-optimized content for search engines while showing users something absolutely different. This method deceives visitors and search engines, which is against the principle of honesty and transparency in providing user experience. Examples of cloaking include:
    • Page loading a keyword-rich page to search engine crawlers simultaneously while human users are redirected to a different page.
    • Serving different content for a user based on his location, device, or IP address to manipulate search rankings.
  3. Hidden Text: Some black hat doers do their best to conceal text on a webpage using white color to ensure they capitalize on search engines. This is done by employing various tools that make the text invisible to users but possible for search engine crawlers to detect. Examples of hidden text include:
    • Matching the background color with the text makes it invisible to the users.
    • The use of CSS, for example, positioning text off-screen by setting its position to a negative value.
    • Keyword hiding uses small or zero-size fonts to write keywords in the page’s content.
  4. Misused Structured Data and Rich Snippets: Structured data and rich snippets are useful elements in turning a webpage into an interesting source in search results. However, some black-hat SEO professionals misuse these elements to provide false or misleading information to make click-through rates look good. Examples of misused structured data and rich snippets include:
    • Highlighting incorrect or misleading information, fake reviews, and ratings will garner users’ attention and encourage them to click on the search results.
    • Sending misleading or exaggerated information in rich snippets, like a very high price or a nonexistent availability.
  5. Poor Quality Content: Building poor quality, shallow, or copied content is one black hat technique commonly used to generate numerous pages for search engines to rank quickly. Examples of poor-quality content include:
    • Automatically generated content that does not make sense to the readers and does not give them any benefits.
    • Duplicate or plagiarized content from other websites that lack authors’ thoughts and value.
    • Thin content web pages with little uniqueness or information for users. Rather, you must upload SEO-optimized content to increase your audience’s value.
  6. Private Blog Networks (PBNs): Private Blog Networking (PBNs) is a community of the same domain websites that artificially enhance the link popularity of the primary website. Black hat SEO professionals buy expired domains with backlinks and link them to their main website. This method is about faking link building to appear strong in search engine algorithms. Examples of PBNs include:
    • Registering many expired domains and creating poor-quality sites only to obtain links to the target site.
    • Using automated content generation or scraping to stuff PBN websites with content.
  7. Buying links: Buying backlinks from link farms, low-quality directories, and other questionable sources is a hang-up of a search engine that is clearly against search engine guidelines. Searching for links is aimed at artificially increasing a site’s popularity and authority without regard for the quality and relevance of links. Examples of buying links include:
    • Spending money for links to low-quality sites or link farms created just for selling them. Rather, you must try to earn high-quality backlinks.
    • Involving in link exchange arrangements in which the websites agree to link to each other without considering the relevance or quality of content.
  8. Negative SEO: Black hat techniques such as negative SEO are used to target your rival’s website and to determine its position on search pages. Examples of negative SEO include:
    • Creating spammy or low-quality links to send to a competitor’s website to trigger a penalty for the links.
    • Create and copy a competitor’s content and then post it on many low-quality websites to spread duplicate content.
    • Crashing malicious attacks, such as hacking tries or DDoS attacks, are meant to disturb the competitor’s website performance.

How to report Black Hat SEO?

There are two main reasons why you may report black hat SEO: the website is either hacked with malicious code, virus, or a negative campaign of spammy links, or there are spammy web results on a competitive keyword your website ranks on. This can be done using the web portal report form via Google Webmaster Tools. Please select the option with care. SPAM is not an abbreviation for search positions above me! Fabricating web spam can be black hat SEO because that is not the right thing to do.

If your website has been compromised using a virus, malware, or hack, ask for a malware audit after you have removed the malicious code.

If your website is under attack by negative SEO using spammy links, use the Disavow Links Tool in Google Search Console after contacting the webmasters who are pointing these links to your website to have them removed.


Black hat SEO looks like a tempting quick solution that can lead to some fast rankings and traffic, but the risks are way higher than any short-term success. Entering an unethical regime can result in drastic penalties, a lack of visibility online, and a damaged reputation that is hard to fix. As a marketer or owner of a website, you should put SEO white hat techniques at the top of your priorities, which entail providing value to users and following search engine rules.

What happens if you need the exact answer to how to do search engine optimization correctly? Then, hire the best SEO agency AlgoSaga. Our team of experts in the field can provide a level of service that helps you understand the complexity of the SEO landscape while keeping your site compliant with search engine guidelines.

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