Best ways to fix ‘Discovered Currently Not Indexed’ issue

Last Updated on March 30, 2024 by Admin

Have you ever had the thrill of publishing new content on your website, to be disappointed to realize Google has removed it from its search results? You’re not alone. Many website supervisors confront this off-putting situation of “Discovered Currently Not Indexed in Google Search Console”. That implies that Google is aware of your pages, but these pages are still not in search results. It isn’t a problem; various ways exist to resolve it. This blog will help you understand and fix this problem so your content will be noticed.

Why Does It Happen?

The challenge of pages being “Discovered Currently Not Indexed” remains a mystery for website owners. Primarily, it boils down to three core areas:

  • Content Quality: Google’s main goal is to provide the user with correct and user-friendly information. Should your site content be irrelevant, not valuable, or poorly written, Google may not show it or provide its audience with it. Good-quality content is engaging and informing and a product that meets the purpose of people researching related topics.
  • Technical Issues Technical obstacles like a complicated site structure or crawl errors may prevent Google from understanding your pages. If Googlebot cannot efficiently handle your site or experiences broken links and other errors, it may be unable to scrape the content for indexing purposes.
  • Duplicate Content: Google’s unwavering effort to constantly develop a unique and diverse search experience is unwavering. If your content is not unique or too similar to the existing content on the internet, Google could decide not to index it so the search results page would not be duplicated. It’s pivotal to ensure that every subpage on your site offers something different for it to be rated as unique and listed.

How to Fix It

Solving this problem requires you to test your website and the overall experience to identify and improve the discrepancies. The following are guidelines for dealing with the existing situation of “discovered but yet untouched.”

Improve Your Content Quality

If the quality of your content is not good, it is one of the most common reasons for content to get Discovered Currently Not Indexed issue. Google aims to give users the most satisfying answers to their search queries. If your content does not conform to Google’s quality standards, it could be a bye-bye for your business.

  • Make sure that your content remains unique, of quality, and worthwhile.
  • Routinely update outdated content to remain current and valuable.
  • Try to go for precise, uncomplicated words that your readers can easily understand.

Improve Your Content Quality

Check Your Site’s Health

Technical issues may prevent Google from indexing a site, which can negatively impact search engine optimization. A detailed site check can expose issues like dead links, disorganized sites, or spider errors.

  • Fix crawl errors using tools like Google Search Console to identify them.
  • It is important that the structure of your website is logical and clear and can be easily crawled by search engines.
  • Include a sitemap to aid Google in understanding your site and improving its crawling.

Check Your Site’s Health

Address Redirect Issues

Sometimes redirects can pose a problem of “discovered but not indexed” if not set right. To fix this:

  • Check the redirects to find broken ones and repair them quickly.
  • Make redirect chains shorter and simpler to prevent confusion among search engines.
  • Make sure that 301 redirects are used for pages that have been permanently moved so that the link equity can be completely passed on.

Emphasize Quality Internal Linking

Linking interns properly allows search engines to understand which pages are more relevant and how they are connected. To enhance this:

  • Connect related content and help users and search bots find topics with similar meanings.
  • Use descriptive anchor texts for internal links that make the linking context clear.
  • To strive for proper internal linking, it is important not to be too sparse and not too excessive.

Emphasize Quality Internal Linking

Improve Loading Speed

Site speed is more than just a factor that improves user experience and search engine position. Indexing of slow-loading pages can negatively impact the indexing.

  • Lose quality where it is unnecessary, resize pictures, and use modern formats such as WebP.
  • Don’t use CSS and JS; use lazy loading for non-critical parts.
  • Implement caching to accelerate the process of returning visitors opening a website.

Improve Loading Speed

Increase Site Authority

Google tends to rank websites in the first positions in the search results that it considers credible and trustworthy. Getting your website seen by Google as an established, trusted source can lead to Google favoring your content by indexing it.

  • Generate top-quality posts that will attract other sites that will cite them.
  • Take a part in guest blogging with niche blogs that are well-known and trusted in the industry.
  • There is a need to maximize social media marketing to achieve the set goals and create backlinks.


You may feel disheartened to see Discovered Currently Not Indexed error. Paying attention to content quality, fixing technical issues, optimizing site structure, making it faster, and building site authority will greatly increase the chances of your site being indexed. Remember that Google’s main idea is to provide users with the best experience, and by meeting this goal, you will probably achieve a positive result.

If you are looking for a professional Discovered Currently Not Indexed service to get your content indexed, you might try connecting with AlgoSaga digital marketing agency. Our team comprises SEO experts who offer solutions to your issue of not being indexed and help boost your website’s overall performance. We are ready to assist you in making your content visible to its true audience.

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